
As a maintained school The Hawthorns Primary School admissions arrangements are undertaken through Wokingham Borough Council and the Governing Body have adopted the criteria laid down by them.

The school caters for children from 4 – 11 years old, and primarily serves a designated area between the Woosehill Spine Road, Bearwood Road, Simon’s Lane and south of the Reading Road. Each year we are able to admit 60 children. If there are insufficient places to meet demand the Local Authority allocates places according to agreed criteria.


Please contact Wokingham Borough Council regarding Admissions to The Hawthorns Primary School.


The Determined Admission Arrangements for 2024-25 can be found below.
The contact details for  Wokingham Borough Council are as follows:-

Wokingham Borough Council School Admissions

Phone: 0118 9746000 and ask to speak to school admission department.



Foundation Stage Entrance

The law determines compulsory school age begins at the start of the term following a child’s fifth birthday. The decision about when to start your child at school is yours. Parents can request that the date their child is admitted to the school is deferred until later in the school year or until the child reaches compulsory school age in that school year.
We recommend that you discuss transition with your early years provider and/or the school if you have any concerns regarding the readiness of your child to start in September and whether to accept a full-time or part-time school place.
If you notify on the acceptance form that you wish to defer your child’s place until later in the school year or if you wish your child to attend on a part-time basis and you subsequently decide that your child is ready to attend school there are a number of opportunities to discuss your childs admission post the Local Authority acceptance form e.g.the new parents evening, during your home visit or by contacting the school. 
Full time in Foundation stage is 8.55am -3.25pm Monday to Friday
Part Time option -  mornings only. 8.55am - 11.45am Monday to Friday