Wrap Around Care

Out of School Club - Junior Adventures Group (JAG)

(formerly Energy Kidz)

 Fun filled and action packed clubs for 4-11 year olds

An out of school club provision including a breakfast and after school club is run by Junior Adventures Group (JAG), an external organisation.

"Junior Adventures Group (JAG) is proud to be the UK’s leading provider of before, during and after-school activity clubs and holiday clubs, we’ve been building brighter futures for children for over 30 years."

Our Whole of Child Promise

Our mission at JAG is to build brighter futures for children, and we’re committed to helping each and every child achieve their potential and become a great, well-rounded individual. This is our Whole of Child promise.

All prices and timings are on the website at:


Contact details!

We’ve updated our contact details! Our customer experience team are now available via: Email: hello@junioradventuresgroup.co.uk  Phone: 0333 577 1533

 Holiday Club - Funtastic Kids
We provide holiday childcare in schools for an affordable price for children aged 4-15 years.
Please CLICK HERE for more information 


Easter Holiday Camps

Funtastic Kids is open at Hawthorns from Monday 3rd - Friday 14th of April (closed Good Friday and Easter Monday), providing an exciting mix of creative Easter-themed activities and energetic sports sessions! 

 Bookings are open on our website: https://funtastickids.co.uk/holiday-camps/hawthorns-primary-school-easter-holiday-camp-2023/ 

 Spaces have already started filling up, so we encourage people to book as soon as possible! If your required dates are already fully booked, please email bookings@funtastickids.co.uk to be added to our waiting list. 

 We are offering HAF places at our Holiday Camps this Easter too. Please read our Easter HAF project webpage before booking: https://funtastickids.co.uk/haf-project-easter-2023/ 



Family Information Service (FIS)


A one stop shop for information about help, support, and services for families and adults in Wokingham Borough Council.


www.wokingham.gov.uk/families  or telephone on  0118 974 6000.