Our Aspirational Qualities

Aspirational Qualities

At the Hawthorns Primary School, our ethos and curriculum is supported by a set of aspirational qualities.  These qualities have been carefully chosen by our community and their aim is to determine our thinking and behaviour around being a successful learner.  Through teaching, learning and upholding the aspirational qualities, we are developing a set of skills and attitudes to prepare our children for the modern day world and enable them to belong, believe, achieve and grow. 

Each week we lead a special Aspirational Qualities assembly, where the children are asked to reflect on an aspect of a qualities within their own and other people’s lives.  Class teachers also explicitly teach the ‘Quality of the week’ in their class assembly and following PSHE lessons.  Wherever possible, our Aspirational Qualities are taught in all areas of the curriculum with children and adults in the school being role models for each quality. 






