Pupil Premium
At The Hawthorns Primary School our intention is that all children, irrespective of their background or the challenges they face, make good progress and achieve high attainment across all subject areas. The focus of our pupil premium strategy is to support Pupil Premium pupils to achieve that goal, including progress for those who are already high attainers. Our small number of Pupil Premium (PP) children are highly prioritised. We have a dedicated Pupil Premium teacher (PPG Champion) to monitor, evaluate and support the progress of all our PP pupils. Our plan is evolved through careful and focused monitoring of data and up to date research to help formulate outcomes.
What is the Pupil Premium Grant (PPG)?
The school is allocated additional funding each year to support eligible children, in the form of the Pupil Premium Grant, or ‘PPG’. The main purpose of the grant is to close any gaps in attainment and progress by providing high-quality teaching and targeted interventions, with a focus on eliminating barriers to accessing the curriculum that our PP pupils may face.
Pupil Premium is allocated to pupils in school year groups from Reception to Year 6 for:
- families who are registered for Free School Meals (FSM), or who have been registered for FSM at any point in the last six years (known as ‘Ever 6’),
- looked after children.
- children who have been adopted.
- children under Special Guardianship, a Child Arrangement Order or a Residence Order.
This additional funding allows us to provide an enhanced education for the PP children through the purchase of additional resources or staff to support their learning. Children can also receive free school meals in KS2 and reduced costs towards some after school activities or curriculum enrichment opportunities such as learning to play a musical instrument. Over the years we have used the grant to help with the cost of curriculum trips and the Year 6 residential.
The form to check eligibility for free school meals is at the top of the page along with the current criteria and our 3 year Pupil Premium Strategy. If you have any queries about the Pupil Premium Grant please contact Mrs Prebble (PPG Champion) through the school office.