Prospective Parent Information

Welcome to our Prospective Parents page. 
Prospective Parents Open Days for Admissions in September 2024. 
Please select one of the options below to book your place. 
The Open sessions, lasting approximately one and a half hours, will consist of meeting the Senior Leadership Team and the Headteacher and learn a little bit about the school.
This will be followed by a tour of the school and an opportunity to ask any questions.

However, please continue to check this page for further updates as well as our updated Prospective Parents Presentation and 'A Year in the Life' videos below. 

You might also like to check out our Facebook & Instagram accounts for an insight into school activities.


Virtual Tours
To provide you with as much information as possible about our school, we have created a virtual tour, uploaded our presentation and more. Please look at our slide shows, videos and information about the school attached below.

We would invite you to explore our 'About us' tab to understand more on our vision and ethos, here you can also view our prospectus.

Please also visit our Facebook page from the link at the bottom of our home page.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email or call the school.


or use the Contact Us form here.

Ph:- 0118 979 1676

Please take a look at our videos and presentations below?