
  • Mrs Judith Shepherd

    Chair of Governors, Co-opted Governor

Mrs Shepherd is the Chair of the Governing Body, a designated Safeguarding Governor and Early Years Governor. Mrs Shepherd is also a member of the Personnel and Finance Committee, Sites, Buildings, Health and Safety Committee and the Learning and Teaching Committee.

She was originally appointed as a community governor in October 2010 and was appointed by the governing body as a co-opted governor in the reconstitution of the governing body in October 2014. Her current term of office ends on 3rd October 2026.

Mrs Shepherd has no declarations of interest.

Mrs Shepherd does not hold governance roles in any other educational institution.

In the 2021-22 academic year Mrs Shepherd attended; 5/5 FGB meetings, 6/6 Personnel and Finance, 2/3 Sites, Buildings, Health & Safety, 3/3 Learning and Teaching. She also attended a Strategic Governors meeting and two Pay Review and Performance Management Committee meetings.

Mrs Shepherd is a member of the Pay Review and Performance Management Panel, Staff Dismissal Appeals Panel and the Pupil Discipline Panel.


  • Mr Dozie Nnabuife

    Vice Chair of Governors, Co-opted Governor

Mr Nnabuife is the Vice Chair of Governors, Chair of the Learning and Teaching committee, a Safeguarding Governor and the Science Governor. Mr Nnabuife is a member of all committees for this academic year.

Mr Nnabuife was re-appointed by the governing body as a co-opted governor in February 2020. His term of office ends on 4th February 2024.

Mr Nnabuife has one child currently at the school.

Mr Nnabuife is also a Parent Governor at Reading Boys School.

In the academic year 2021-22 Mr Nnabuife attended the following meetings; 5/5 FGB meetings, 3/3 Learning and Teaching meetings, 3/3 Sites, Buildings, Health & Safety meetings and 5/6 Personnel and Finance meetings. He also attended a Strategic Governors meeting and a Pay Review and Performance Management Committee Meeting.

Mr Nnabuife is a member of the Pay Review and Performance Management panel and the Staff Discipline and Dismissal Panel.


  • Mrs Phillipa Dunn

    Local Authority Governor

Mrs Dunn is the Local Authority (LA) Governor, her term of office ends on 26th March 2026. Mrs Dunn is SEND governor and LAC & PPG governor and a member of the Personnel and Finance Committee and Learning and Teaching Committee.

Mrs Dunn has no declarations of interest.

Mrs Dunn does not hold governance roles in any other educational institution.

In the academic year 2021-22 Mrs Dunn attended 5/5 FGB meetings, 6/6 Personnel and Finance meetings, and 3/3 Learning and Teaching meetings.

Mrs Dunn is a member of the Staff Dismissal Appeals Panel, the Complaints Panel and the Pupil Discipline Panel.


  • Ms Adrienne Hunter

    Parent Governor

Ms Hunter was appointed as a parent governor on 24th February 2021. Her term of office ends on 23rd February 2025.  Ms Hunter is Art, DT, Music & Modern Foreign Languages governor and a member of the Learning and Teaching Committee.

Ms Hunter has two children at the school and is an Art teacher for Artspiration.

Ms Hunter does not hold governance roles in any other educational institution.

In the academic year 2021-22 Ms Hunter attended the following meetings; 4/5 FGB meetings and 3/3 Learning & Teaching meetings. 

Ms Hunter also sits on the Staff Dismissal Appeals Panel


  • Mrs Asmita Gore

    Parent Governor

Mrs Gore was appointed as a parent governor on 30th November 2021. Her term of office ends on 29th November 2025. Mrs Gore is IT, Computing & Website Compliance Governor and e-Safety Governor and is a member of the Learning and Teaching Committee and the Sites, Buildings, Health & Safety Committee.
Mrs Gore has one child who attends the school.
Mrs Gore does not hold governance roles in any other educational institution.
In the academic year 2021-22 Mrs Gore attended the following meetings; 3/5 FGB meetings, 1/3 Learning and Teaching meetings and the Personnel and Finance Budget meeting.


  • Ms Raha Razeghi


Ms Razeghi has been Headteacher at The Hawthorns since April 2020.

The  Headteacher holds ex-officio status and is a member of all committees.

Ms Razeghi has no declarations of interest.

Ms Razeghi does not hold governance roles in any other educational institution.

In the 2021-22 academic year Ms Razeghi attended; 5/5 FGB meetings, 6/6 Personnel and Finance committee meetings, 3/3 Learning and Teaching committee meetings and 2/3 Sites, Buildings, Health & Safety Meetings. Ms Razeghi also attended a Strategic Governors Meeting and two Pay Review Committee Meetings.


  • Mr Julian Dempster

    Co-opted Governor

Mr Dempster is the Chair of the Sites, Buildings, Health & Safety Committee, Health and Safety Governor, Environmental Science & Forest Schools Governor and a member of the Learning and Teaching Committee.

Mr Dempster was re-appointed as a Co-opted governor on 29th November 2022 His term of office ends on 28th November 2026.

Mr Dempster has one child who attends the school.

Mr Dempster does not hold governance roles in any other educational institution.

In the academic year 2021-22 Mr Dempster attended the following meetings; 4/5 FGB meetings, 3/3 Learning and Teaching meetings, 3/3 Sites, Buildings Health & Safety meetings and a Strategic Governors meeting.

Mr Dempster also sits on the Staff Discipline and Dismissal Panel, the Pay Review Committee and Performance Management Panel and the Complaints Panel.


  • Miss Sarah Mapleston

    Co-opted Governor

Miss Mapleston is the Sports & Travel Governor and a member of the Sites, Buildings, Health & Safety and Personnel and Finance Committees.

Miss Mapleston was appointed by the governing body as a co-opted governor in September 2017. Her term of office ends on 31st August 2025.

Miss Mapleston has declared the following pecuniary interests:

  • Currently employed as a Teacher at The Hawthorns
  • Works in the holidays at a childcare club
  • Private tutor

Miss Mapleston does not hold governance roles in any other educational institution.

In the 2021-22 academic year Miss Mapleston attended; 5/5 FGB meetings, 6/6 Personnel & Finance meetings and 3/3 Sites and Buildings meetings.


  • Mr Will Mitchell

    Co-Opted Governor

Mr Mitchell was appointed by the governing body as a co-opted governor in March 2023. His term of office ends on 14.03.2027.
Mr Mitchell has one child who attends the school
Mr Mitchell does not hold governance roles in any other educational institution.
  • Mr Adam Prout

    Co-Opted Governor

Mr Prout was appointed by the governing body as a co-opted governor in March 2023. His term of office ends on 28.03.2027.
Mr Prout has two children who attend the school
Mr Prout does not hold governance roles in any other educational institution.
  • Mrs Helen Vernon

    Co-Opted Governor

Mrs Vernon was appointed by the governing body as a co-opted governor in March 2023. Her term of office ends on 14.03.2027.
Mrs Vernon has one child who attends the school
Mrs Vernon does not hold governance roles in any other educational institution.

Governors that have left The Hawthorns during the Academic Year 2022-23

Mrs Hampton

Mrs Hampton was the Chair of the Personnel and Finance Committee, the Development Governor and the Admin Governor. Mrs Hampton was originally appointed as a community governor in May 2009 and was re-appointed by the governing body as a co-opted governor in the reconstitution of the governing body in October 2014. She resigned on 02.07.23 due to personal reasons. Mrs Hampton had no declarations of interest and does not hold governance roles in any other educational institution. In the 2021-22 academic year Mrs Hampton attended; 4/5 FGB meetings and 5/6 Personnel and Finance committee meetings and a Strategic Governors meeting in her capacity as Chair of the Personnel and Finance Committee. Mrs Hampton also attended two Pay Review Committee meetings. Mrs Hampton iwas a member of the Pay Review Committee and Performance Management Panel, the Complaints Panel and the Pupil Discipline Panel.

Ms Lamb-Guhren

Ms Lamb-Guhren was appointed by the governing body as a co-opted governor in December 2020. She resigned on 02.07.23 due to personal reasons. Ms Lamb-Guhren was the History & Geography Governor and a member of the Personnel & Finance Committee. Ms Lamb-Guhren has declared that she was the Director of a Travel Company. Ms Lamb-Guhren did not hold governance roles in any other educational institution. In the academic year 2021-22 Ms Lamb-Guhren attended the following meetings; 3/5 FGB meetings and 3/6 Personnel & Finance meetings. Ms Lamb-Guhren also sat on the Staff Dismissal Appeals Panel.

Mrs Wojik

Mrs Wojcik was the Maths Governor , Racial Equity Governor and RE & PSHE Governor. Mrs Wojcik was also a member of the Sites and Buildings Committee. Mrs Wojcik was re-appointed by the governing body as a co-opted governor in December 2019. She resigned on 27th November 2022 due to personal reasons. Mrs Wojcik had declared current employment as a Teaching Assistant and a Lunchtime Controller at The Hawthorns. Mrs Wojcik did not hold governance roles in any other educational institution. In the academic year 2021-22 Mrs Wojcik attended the following meetings; 5/5 FGB meetings, 2/3 Sites and Buildings meetings and 3/3 Learning and teaching meetings

Mrs Hira

Mrs Hira was appointed as a co-opted governor on 7th December 2021. She resigned on 12th October 2022 due to personal reasons.
Mrs Hira had one child who attends the school and did not hold governance roles in any other educational institution.
In the academic year 2021-22 Mrs Hira attended the following meetings; 1 FGB meeting and 2 Personnel and Finance meetings.

Governors that have left The Hawthorns during the Academic Year 2021-22

Mrs Melanie Corrie

Mrs Corrie was appointed as a co-opted governor on 21st September 2021. She resigned on 21st June 2022 due to personal reasons. 
Mrs Corrie was a member of the Personnel and Finance Committee.
Mrs Corrie had no declarations of interest.
Mrs Corrie did not hold governance roles in any other educational institution.
In the academic year 2021-22 Mrs Corrie attended the following meetings; 3 FGB meetings and 3 Personnel and Finance meetings.

Mrs Charlotte Chamberlain

Mrs Chamberlain was the English & Library Governor and a member of the Personnel and Finance Committee and Learning and Teaching Committee.

Mrs Chamberlain was appointed to the governing body as Staff Governor in November 2019. She left the school on 17th December 2021. 

Mrs Chamberlain declared employment as a Teacher at The Hawthorns. She has also declared that she was related to Mrs Diane Hampton, Co-opted Governor.

Mrs Chamberlain did not hold governance roles in any other educational institution.

In the academic year 2021-22 Mrs Chamberlain attended the following meetings; 2 FGB meetings, 1 Personnel and Finance meeting and 1 Learning and teaching meeting. 

Mr John Wilkins

Mr Wilkins was the Computing governor, Website Compliance Governor and e-Safety Governor and a member of the Personnel and Finance Committee.

Mr Wilkins was appointed as a Co-opted Governor on 23rd March 2017. He resigned on 21st September 2021 due to personal reasons. 

Mr Wilkins had two children attending the school.

Mr Wilkins did not hold governance roles in any other educational institution.

Mr Wilkins was a member of the Complaints panel.


*FGB- Full Governing Body